Inspirations from Lord Krishna – The Management Guru
Sutam Devam
Chaanura Mardaram
Vande Jagd Gurum”
Let us bow to Krishna the divine son of
Vasudev, the punisher of Kansa and Chaanura and cause of supreme joy of Devaki
and who is “Jagad Guru” the Universal Teacher.”
Lord Krishna is a strategic, mystical,
loving, yogic philosophical, visionary, leading, divine and artistic master
management guru, “Sadguru” and a “Jagadguru”.
In above verse, four people are mentioned.
Chaanura, the boxer. Kansa, cruel uncle of Shri Krishna and king of Mathura.
Vasudev, father of Shri Krishna. Devaki, mother of Shri Krishna. These four
people represents four Gunas of people. Chaanura was “Tamsik”, an ignorant
physical and bodily oriented selfish person who wanted to kill Shri Krishna.
Vasudeva represents “Satvik”, a noble, gentle, thoughtfulness and knowledge oriented
person, who knows that Kansa killed his seven children and then also he is
tolerating him. Devaki, represents seer a Gnaani Person. She was the only one
who knows that Shri Krishna is divine and has seen the chaturbhuj Avatar.
Shri Krishna is a strategic, mystical,
loving, yogic philosophical, visionary, leading, divine and artistic master
management guru, “Sadguru” and a “Jagadguru”. Guru is the combination of ‘GU’
and ‘RU’. ‘GU’ is darkness and ’RU’ is the removal of darkness. Guru is the
remover of darkness with the light of knowledge, wisdom, ideas and solutions.
Shri Krishna from his birth to the final
day was the remover of darkness. First he removed the doubts of his parents by
doing miracle in jail. He removed doubts, questions marks, if’s and but’s,
hesitation, uncertainties and gloom of darkness whenever they came to in the
picture through the light of thinking knowledge analysis and creativity. Like he
removed the darkness of Virndavan thought killing the dangerous demons like
Pootana, Shakatasura, Trinavarta, Vatsasur, Dhenukasura, Kaaliya serpent (Kali
Naag), Keshi, Vyomasuru, Shankhachuda, Chanura, Kansa and many more.
Shri Krishna made Gopalas doubt free about
his ability to face Indra, the king of god by lifting Govardhan Mountain by his
little finger for 6 to 7 days. He removed many negative forces like Jarasandha,
Rukmi, Shishupal, etc. by situation management ideas. Like persuasion (shaam),
Reward (Daam), Discriminathion (bhed) and Punishment (Dand). He always
protected those who depended on him and always won over those who wanted fight
with him.
Shri Krishna has made many outstanding leaders
by nurturing and training. Thus by the time of Mahabharata, he was proven to be
an excellent nurturer, manager, leader, path maker and path shower. He has
demonstrated his abilities to face with practical situations on real time
basis, before he has taught them in Bhagvad Gita.
In Bhagvad gita, Shri Krishna explained
song of life. If we take the first and last verse it explain. “When there is a
conflict between evil forces and ethical forces and when the right forces are
led by visionary path shower and missionary path walker then right forces will
attain prosperity, success, growth and right policy”.
Shri Krishna has the capability to finish
the battle within one second but it was not his work to do so. It was Pandavas
work to fight in the battle. He was there as a guide to the Pandavas, not as a
The journey began from grief and successfully reached to liberation.
Under the grief, one can’t find a way and he feels alone and empty. One has to always keep his spark (light) inside him and force himself to work over the spark and the knowledge he/she has. Always keep one thing in mind that ‘Knowledge is going to increase only when it has been shared or contributed with others.’

Your wisdom will make your future and will make your present wise. You must capable enough to perceive things.
Always stay connected towards your goal.
Don’t be scared by the stones of difficulty. Always remember one thing that
‘how tough the difficulty is, the brighter and the bigger the Sunshine is
waiting for you.
People will always try to put obstacles in
your path, but do not feel the fear and run from it, take a step ahead and face
Always step
in first to take the responsibilities. See yourself as a Respectful leader or a
Powerful Captain.
Taking the lead towards responsibilities should be your “1st
Social Work.” Always make the best efforts to take the
glimpses of your work.
Be your own leader

The most important thing in life is to
inspire yourself and make others too. You must follow your own role model or
idol, but always take inspiration from yourself, from the mistakes you made,
from the inner soul which makes you feel that how capable you are.
Speak Wisely, Implement Nicely
Commitment is your
Goodwill. Only speak to those words to which you are committed, and which
actually means to you.
Change is the
rule of life and this rule is never going to be change
Situation are not in your hands, but to take out the maximum of it is in your hands only. So, as time passes you have to adopt the change, otherwise time will change you and your time. Being innovative is not enough you have to remain updated too.
You learn and develop from your
surroundings only. Only stay in touch to those people who are really helpful to
you ’for whom you are his 1st priority not just a need.’ Your
success is depend on the team you have. So,
Select few, but with the best
Excellence is not just a word, it is the
feeling one should create in people heart. Give such a performance where people
will appreciate not only verbally but heart fully.
Set your Mind that in between 1000
negatives point you will get a positive one. Always be positive because you
have loose the Opportunity not the Game (life). If one passes away don’t worry,
another is on the way you have to be positive and most importantly keep
patience. If you really want to achieve or grab
something, you have to be dedicated towards your work because
If you want to make Moments, don’t stuck
in Memories
Final stage is of liberation. After passing
all the stages what you really achieve, is liberation.
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