Essence of Life – “FRIENDS”

We all are aware, of a creature with whom we do not share any blood relation but he or she has a great part in our heart. They know us better than we know ourselves. They have more trust on us than anyone else. They are called friends.
Friends know all our small and big secrets of our life about which no one know like deep secrets of our personal life, our any matter of life, etc. We have no chance of choosing our parents, family members, many a times not even our life partners and our own decision but we have chance of choosing our friends.
In our bad times, when we are not in a position to think of anything or in depression or when we are losing our self-confidence, it’s our friends who believes in us more than others.
Mass bunks, no makeup, drooling face, stinky sweat or running nose, etc., our friends have seen us in the ugliest appearances and situations also in life and they still always stick to us.  We feel comfortable around them, and there’s nothing that can be a hurdle in this comfort level.
When we are going on a wrong path, it is the friends who guide us toward the right path. Even in Mahabharata, when Arjuna sat on Chariot floor at time of battle with Kauravas at Kurukshetra War, it was his friend Shri Krishna who guided him the right path for to fight for his survival. He also motivated and boosted the morale of Arjun.
The friends are the only being who is always available when we need them. It doesn’t matter if it’s 12:00 noon or 3:00 at night. They give us support of any kind that’s why we need friends of each kind. From this I recalled a short story of Shri Krishna and his best friend Sudama. Sudama was a very poor guy. He has not able to fulfil his livelihood. One day he went to meet his friend Shri Krishna at Dwarka on his wife’s suggestion. At that time Shri Krishna was eating his launch with his wives. When he heard the name of Sudama by his solider he stood up and ran to receive his friend, offered food and after that, they talked a lot. While Sudama was leaving, Shri Krishna did not give any gift to him, which confused Sudama about his friend. As soon as he reached home he found his house transformed into a magnificent palace. So Shri Krishna was a friend who without Sudama conveying anything understood his condition and helped him.
If friends goes on wrong way then it’s our duty to bring him on right way. But we have to try to correct his mistake.


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