Essence of Life – “FRIENDS”

We all are aware, of a creature with whom we do not share any blood relation but he or she has a great part in our heart. They know us better than we know ourselves. They have more trust on us than anyone else. They are called friends. Friends know all our small and big secrets of our life about which no one know like deep secrets of our personal life, our any matter of life, etc. We have no chance of choosing our parents, family members, many a times not even our life partners and our own decision but we have chance of choosing our friends. In our bad times, when we are not in a position to think of anything or in depression or when we are losing our self-confidence, it’s our friends who believes in us more than others. Mass bunks, no makeup, drooling face, stinky sweat or running nose, etc., our friends have seen us in the ugliest appearances and situations also in life and they still always stick to us. We feel comfortable around them, and there’s nothing that ...