Personality - A Dynamic Concept in Human Resource Development

Word ‘Person’ derived from Latin word ‘Persona’. In Ancient Greek & Rome times it was believed that a person who wears Mask carries a Personality. However, passage of time the theory of person evolved and the mask wearer consider to be a real person carrying personality. Personality is the product of Social Interaction in group life and characteristic of an individual. Generally, Personality varies from person to person. Personality starts developing from the very beg inning phase of life, from cradle to grave. Moreover, personality is a peculiar attribute which differs you from others. In a language of layman, personality is "What Glorifies you as a being". Personality is somewhat we have acquired from the birth which needs to be cultivated at different juncture of life. Basically, personality evolve from the surrounding interactive environment, where learn how to respond to society.Personality illuminate your behavior and your attitude to the peo...